80s toys - Atari. I still have
- Back from the break and out comes John Laurinaitis on his scooter. He’s got Eve Torres and David Otunga at his side as they head to the ring.
Laurinaitis announces Big Show vs. Brodus Clay. He then announces that Big Show vs. John Cena at No Way Out will now be a Steel Cage Match. Laurinaitis says he’s become the most popular WWE star in history after defeating John Cena at Over the Limit. Laurinaitis talks about WWE ’13 coming out in October. Laurinaitis reveals the new cover of the video game and he’s on the front. The music of WWE Champion CM Punk hits and out he comes.
Punk says Laurinaitis isn’t popularat all and there wasn’t a ground-swell to get him on the cover of WWE ’13. Punk says the real coverof WWE ’13 features someone a lot better looking than Laurinaitis. Fireworks pop and Punk’s music hits as a big cover drops from theceiling with Punk on it. Punk goes on and tells Laurinaitis to get out of his ring. Laurinaitis wishes him good luck and leaves the ring. Punk destroys the Laurinaitis cover.

Non-title: Daniel Bryan vs. (c)CM Punk
Stipulation is if Bryan wins, he will earn a title shot. Bryan climbs up for a superplex and nails it for a 2 count.
AJ tries to tell the referee that Bryan is taking the padding off a turnbuckle. Bryan comes over to run his mouth but turns around to a big kick from Punk and a 2 count. Punk charges but Bryan drops him on the exposed turnbuckle and covers him for the win. Big cheat but the crowd still loves him. Funny though.
WINNER: Daniel Bryan

- After the match, Bryan chants “Yes” as AJ looks upset that Punk lost. Bryan turns around to Kane with a steel chair. Kane drops Bryan with the chair and then chokeslams him on top of it. AJ slides Punk a steel chair. Punk meets Kane with it and unloads on him. Punk beats Kane with the chair until he flees from the ring. Punk’s music hits as he exchanges looks with AJ.

- Up next, the 22-0 Brodus Clay show goes up against Big Show. Brodus is still undefeated. Will Big Show break the record tonight?

Non-title: (c)Christian vs. The Miz
They trade holds and counters as Cody heads up the ramp and watches. Christian finally catches the Killswitch. He goes to the top and hits the frog splash for the win.
WINNER: Christian

- Eve Torres, David Otunga and John Laurinaitis are backstage. They send Teddy Long to get coffee. John isn’t happy with their performances. He talks about Sheamus. Otunga wans a match against him tonight. Laurinaitis says he needs people he can count on. Teddy comes back in his maid outfit and hands Eve cold coffee. She spits it out on him. He says it’s supposed to be cold, it’s iced coffee. Teddy shakes his head in frustration as we go back to commercial.

- Back from the break and The Miz is in the ring complaining. He say he made Team Laurinaitis win at WrestleMania and wants to know where his iron-clad contract is. Miz wants his video game cover, his title shot and his bonus. He says he isn’t leaving the ring when Randy Orton’s music hits and out he comes to interrupt. Miz runs his mouth but Orton just walks up and lays him out with an RKO. Orton hits the corners to pose for the fans.

- We see Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero watching backstage. Ziggler says that needs to be him. He wants Vickie to get him out of the tag team with Swagger. She says she will see what she can do.

Non-title: David Otunga vs. (c)Sheamus
Sheamus dumps him to the apron and hits the big forearm shots to the chest.
Sheamus comes back, hits White Noise and then the Brogue Kick for the win.
WINNER: Sheamus

Brodus Clay vs. Big Show
Show begins to take apart the announcers table. Kofi Kingston runs down but Show catches him in mid-air. R-Truth runs over but Show throws Kofi into him. Show breaks the announcers table and grabs a piece of it. He smiles before cracking Brodus in the back with it several times. The crowd chants for Cena now.
Show grabs R-Truth now and beats him up some more. Kofi tries again but Show stops him and throws him through the barrier into the timekeeper box. Show continues his carnage and decks Clay with a big knockout punch to the face. We go to replays and come back to Show walking around the ring still. Clay is laid out and so are Truth and Kofi. Show’s music hits and he walks up the ramp. He’s met by John Laurinaitis. Laurinaitis raises Show’s hand up in the air. Cole mentions that John Cena will be here live next week. The match turned out to be a no contest here. RAW goes off the air with Show and Laurinaitis shaking hands.

Source: WrestleNewz


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